Skills and Competencies

In vitro & in vivo
Cell and tissue culture
mammalian cell lines & primary cells
organoid & spheroid models
sophisticated co-culture models
cell based assays
Molecular biology
RT-qPCR, PCR, electrophoresis, Western blot
bacterial transformation & traditional cloning
transfection & transduction
DNA, RNA, and protein isolation
Genome editing
RNAi mediated knock-down
CRISPR/Cas9 knock-out & knock-in
Immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy (Nikon SoRa)
Spectral flow cytometry (Cytek Aurora)
Viral gene delivery
3rd generation lentiviruses​
Ad5 adenoviruses
Live cell in vitro and in vivo imaging
mainly bioluminescence reporters ​
some experience with fluorescent reporters
Mouse colony planning and genotyping
Tail vein and IP injection
Computational & omics
R programming language
Bulk, single cell, and timeseries RNA-Seq analyses
DESeq2, pheatmap, PCAtools
Seurat​, SingleCellExperiment, scran, dittoSeq
JTK_CYCLE, MetaCycle, dryR, comparerythms
Circadian rhythm analyses
chronoStar, pyBOAT​
Cell tracking
Spectral flow data analysis (R, FlowJo)
Immunofluorescence image analysis (ImageJ)
Statistical analysis (Prism, R)

Soft skills
Strategic and analytical thinking, problem-solving
Teamwork and collaboration
Supervision and mentoring
Time and project management
Organization and record keeping
Scientific writing and presentation
German - native
English - fluent